Wednesday 6 April 2011

Naruto Uzumaki

i am gonna tell you all about Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto's father was the 3rd hokage of the hidden leaf named konoha, and on the day Naruto was born a demon called the nine taild fox terrorised konoha and no one was able to defeat it but Naruto's father found out a way to somewhat defeat him. He sealed the nine tails in Naruto, however it also killed him while he was doing it. Naruto's dad thought he was doing the best thing for his son but that's not what Naruto thinks. Narutos mom also got killed in the battle, he was left alone to fend for himself since he was a baby. When he got older he got enrolled in the ninja academy and started learning how to be a ninja. Every one else in konoha despised Naruto for having the nine tails sealed inside of him. Naruto did not know about the nine tails at this time. Naruto had no friends, no family, nothing but himself. He wasn't very good a being a ninja either everyone made fun of him for that too but he tried his best. After a little while he finally found someone iruka sensei, Naruto's teacher from the ninja academy. iruka would take naruto to his favorite place in the world, ichiraku ramen. after he started his new friendship with iruka naruto started to have faith in himself and set new goals for himself. He wants to be the hokage of the village, but in order to do that he has to train very hard for years. When it was time to graduate from the ninja academy to become a real ninja Naruto thought he had everything down but when the test came up he flunked it and he was the only one that didn't graduate. he was left alone on the swings while he watched everyone Else get their ninja diplomas. One of the ninja instructors saw naruto sitting there and told him how he could became a great ninja and told him to steal this sacred scroll from the hokages office but little did naruto know he only wanted the scroll for himself and for his own benefits. as naive as naruto was he did it. he obviously got caught and was told the truth about the ninja from earlier and naruto freaked and showed his true strength in front of iruka. iruka was so impressed that he decided to give naruto his ninja head band and told naruto that he is officially a hidden leaf ninja a genine. with naruto's new title he started his training right away. but soon after all the graduates are assigned to a 3 man squad and a jonin as their leader. naruto was assigned to a jonin named kakashi hatake and 2 other genines name sakura haruno and sasuke uchia. naruto is in love with sakura but she doesn't know at the time she just thinks hes a big nuisance. Naruto hates sasuke but also admires him cause he was the best ninja in the academy, so being on his team pushed naruto to his limits and made him a stronger ninja. all the missions they were put on made sasuke and naruto better friends. until one day sasuke decided to abandon the village and become a rogue ninja. naruto did not take his dessicion to lightly and started searching for sasuke right after sasuke left the village. Naruto then finally caught up to him and immediately started fighting, it was pretty much an equal battle but sasuke is a bit stronger and won this battle but sasuke loved naruto and did not wanna kill him so he just left him there, and ever since then naruto has his heart set on finding sasuke and to bring him back to the village. naruto met a toad sage name jeriya nick name purvey sage and automatically had a connection and jeriya took naruto for 3 years to train him cause jeriya got information that this group named the akatsuki full of rogue ninja wants the nine tails inside of naruto along with the other tailed beasts around the world. so jeriya wanted to prepare naruto for the things that are going to happen. his training went very well naruto came back with new tricks and more powerfull then ever and basically he kept on trying to find sasuke and also help people along the way and beating more and more of the akatsuki members. and then jeriya went to fight the leader of the akatsuki and got himself killed but befor he did he told one of the toads that naruto is the child of prophecy and he needs special training. so when that toad found naruto he took him back to his world to start sage training witch takes allot of patiance witch naruto does not have but will learn to have patience. he finally perfected the sage training and when he did he got some very bad news that konoha has just been destroyed by the leader of the akatsuki, the six evil pains. Naruto got back to knoha fast and found a strategy to destroy the six evil pains but then found out that their is a pain beyond the 6 of them controlling them with his eyes but Naruto found his hiding place and convinced him to change his ways and promised Naruto that he will bring everyone back to live except purvey sage. Naruto was on his way back to the village but was so weak he couldn't go on and was gonna drop to the ground untill kakashi hatake cought him on his back and carried him home. right when they got back to the village everyone was standing there waiting for naruto to get back to praise and cheer for him. Naruto got off of kikashi's back and stared in amazement. No one ever used to acknowledge him but now he is the hero of the village


Sherman Chan said...

Awesome blogging Jenado! I love how much you go into detail and the passion within the text. Keep it up!

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